Descriptive Poetry

Rusted Waters

For school-

When man tries to be God.

Murky waters of a shallow, gelid pond.

Four-leaf-clovers rest upon the lifeless water surface.

Clovers placed by man who wish for a “lucky” abscond.

When man tries to be God.

Ginger rusted bars, in grid like form.

To keep animals or people, away from harms way.

Decayed bars polluteĀ still-waters and force to conform.

Conform to be black, dead water, shadowed like the cloudy night sky.

When man tries to be God.

Sculpted formations of brown, creamy, clay and rock, lay around this deathly liquid.

Shunted earth in a blasphemous fashion, to mimic the worlds natural beauty.

Flat, smooth stones, stolen from earth’s true, irrefutable streams of sapid.

When man tries to be God, existence simply looses its spark.

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